To: All Residents of Tupelo Housing Authority

Effective Monday, July 13, 2020 the Tupelo Housing Authority lobby at each office will be open to the public. In our continued effort to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus, the following procedures must be followed:

1. Only access to the lobby area will be available to visitors, residents, vendors and the public.
2. You must wear a mask before entering and at all times while inside the building. One will be provided if you do not have one.
3. All lobby areas will be sanitized at least twice daily to help ensure that the lobby area has been properly disinfected. Hand sanitizer and gloves will be available for use at the door upon entering the lobby.
4. We encourage all residents to continue to communicate as much as possible by telephone, fax, and email. You may also continue to drop any documents or rent in the drop box.
5. Emergency maintenance work orders will continue to be the primary focus and non-emergency work orders will be completed as soon as they can.
6. If you have a loss of income, please report this information as soon as possible to the leasing office via fax, email, phone or by visiting the lobby of the leasing office.
7. All move-ins and transfers will continue to be conducted in the lobby area. Reasonable accommodations and emergency transfers will continue as normal.
8. Only one (l) person will be allowed at the window and only two (2) allowed in the exterior lobby area at one time at the leasing office.
9. You must maintain social distancing of 6′ at all times.

COVID•19 is still here. Please follow the procedures above to help us limit the spread of COVID-19 and protect the health and safety of everyone.

If you have any questions, please don ‘t hesitate to contact the leasing office.

Tabitha Smith